Google Cloud Platform
Deploy VM
To deploy VyOS on GCP (Google Cloud Platform)
Generate SSH key pair type ssh-rsa from the host that will connect to VyOS.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/vyos_gcp -C "vyos@mypc"
In name “vyos@mypc” The first value must be “vyos”. Because default user is vyos and google api uses this option.
Open GCP console and navigate to the menu Metadata. Choose SSH Keys and click
Click Add item and paste your public ssh key. Click Save
On marketplace search “VyOS”
Change Deployment name/Zone/Machine type and click
After few seconds click to
Find out your external IP address
Connect to the instance. SSH key was generated in the first step.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/vyos_gcp [email protected] vyos@vyos-r1-vm:~$