Running on Proxmox

Proxmox is an open-source platform for virtualization. Please visit to see how to get a qcow2 image that can be imported into Proxmox.

Deploy VyOS from CLI with qcow2 image

  1. Copy the qcow2 image to a temporary directory on the Proxmox server.

  2. The commands below assume that virtual machine ID 200 is unused and that the user wants the disk stored in a storage pool called local-lvm.

$ qm create 200 --name vyos2 --memory 2048 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0
$ qm importdisk 200 /path/to/image/vyos-1.2.8-proxmox-2G.qcow2 local-lvm
$ qm set 200 --virtio0 local-lvm:vm-200-disk-0
$ qm set 200 --boot order=virtio0
  1. Optionally, the user can attach a CDROM with an ISO as a cloud-init data source. The below command assumes the ISO has been uploaded to the local storage pool with the name seed.iso.

$ qm set 200 --ide2 media=cdrom,file=local:iso/seed.iso
  1. Start the virtual machine in the proxmox GUI or CLI using qm start 200.

Deploy VyOS from CLI with rolling release ISO

  1. Download the rolling release iso from Non-subscribers can always get the LTS release by building it from source. Instructions can be found in the Build VyOS section of this manual. VyOS source code repository is available

  2. Prepare VM for installation from ISO media. The commands below assume that your iso is available in a storage pool ‘local’, that you want it to have a VM ID ‘200’ and want to create a new disk on storage pool ‘local-lvm’ of size 15GB.

qm create 200 --name vyos --memory 2048 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 --ide2 media=cdrom,file=local:iso/live-image-amd64.hybrid.iso --virtio0 local-lvm:15
  1. Start the VM using the command qm start 200 or using the start button located in the proxmox GUI.

  2. Using the proxmox webGUI, open the virtual console for your newly created vm. Login username/password is vyos/vyos.

  3. Once booted into the live system, type install image into the command line and follow the prompts to install VyOS to the virtual drive.

  4. After installation has completed, remove the installation iso using the GUI or qm set 200 --ide2 none.

  5. Reboot the virtual machine using the GUI or qm reboot 200.

Visit for more information about the download and installation of this hypervisor.