
One of the major advantages introduced in VyOS 1.3 is an automated test framework. When assembling an ISO image multiple things can go wrong badly and publishing a faulty ISO makes no sense. The user is disappointed by the quality of the image and the developers get flodded with bug reports over and over again.

As the VyOS documentation is not only for users but also for the developers - and we keep no secret documentation - this section describes how the automated testing works.

Jenkins CI

Our VyOS CI system is based on Jenkins and builds all our required packages for VyOS 1.2 to 1.4. In addition to the package build, there is the vyos-build Job which builds and tests the VyOS ISO image which is published after a successfull test drive.

We differentiate in two independent tests, which are both run in parallel by two separate QEmu instances which are launched via make test and make testc from within the vyos-build repository.


Smoketests executes predefined VyOS CLI commands and checks if the desired daemon/service configuration is rendert - that is how to put it “short”.

When and ISO image is assembled by the VyOS CI, the BUILD_SMOKETEST parameter is enabled by default, which will extend the ISO configuration line with the following packages:

  if (params.BUILD_SMOKETESTS)
    CUSTOM_PACKAGES = '--custom-package vyos-1x-smoketest'

So if you plan to build your own custom ISO image and wan’t to make use of our smoketests, ensure that you have the vyos-1x-smoketest package installed.

The make test command from the vyos-build repository will launch a new QEmu instance and the ISO image is first installed to the virtual harddisk.

After its first boot into the newly installed system the main Smoketest script is executed, it can be found here: /usr/bin/vyos-smoketest

The script only searches for executable “test-cases” under /usr/libexec/vyos/tests/smoke/cli/ and executes them one by one.


As Smoketests will alter the system configuration and you are logged in remote you may loose your connection to the system.

Manual Smoketest Run

On the other hand - as each test is contain in its own file - one can always execute a single Smoketest by hand by simply running the Python test scripts.


vyos@vyos:~$ /usr/libexec/vyos/tests/smoke/cli/test_protocols_bgp.py
test_bgp_01_simple (__main__.TestProtocolsBGP) ... ok
test_bgp_02_neighbors (__main__.TestProtocolsBGP) ... ok
test_bgp_03_peer_groups (__main__.TestProtocolsBGP) ... ok
test_bgp_04_afi_ipv4 (__main__.TestProtocolsBGP) ... ok
test_bgp_05_afi_ipv6 (__main__.TestProtocolsBGP) ... ok
test_bgp_06_listen_range (__main__.TestProtocolsBGP) ... ok
test_bgp_07_l2vpn_evpn (__main__.TestProtocolsBGP) ... ok
test_bgp_08_zebra_route_map (__main__.TestProtocolsBGP) ... ok
test_bgp_09_distance_and_flowspec (__main__.TestProtocolsBGP) ... ok
test_bgp_10_vrf_simple (__main__.TestProtocolsBGP) ... ok
test_bgp_11_confederation (__main__.TestProtocolsBGP) ... ok
test_bgp_12_v6_link_local (__main__.TestProtocolsBGP) ... ok
test_bgp_13_solo (__main__.TestProtocolsBGP) ... ok

Ran 13 tests in 348.191s


Interface based tests

Our smoketests not only test daemons and serives, but also check if what we configure for an interface works. Thus there is a common base classed named: base_interfaces_test.py which holds all the common code that an interface supports and is tested.

Those common tests consists out of:

  • Add one or more IP addresses

  • DHCP client and DHCPv6 prefix delegation

  • MTU size

  • IP and IPv6 options

  • Port description

  • Port disable

  • VLANs (QinQ and regular 802.1q)


When you are working on interface configuration and you also wan’t to test if the Smoketests pass you would normally loose the remote SSH connection to your DUT. To handle this issue, some of the interface based tests can be called with an environment variable beforehand to limit the number of interfaces used in the test. By default all interface e.g. all Ethernet interfaces are used.

vyos@vyos:~$ TEST_ETH="eth1 eth2" /usr/libexec/vyos/tests/smoke/cli/test_interfaces_bonding.py
test_add_multiple_ip_addresses (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_add_single_ip_address (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_bonding_hash_policy (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_bonding_lacp_rate (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_bonding_min_links (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_bonding_remove_member (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_dhcpv6_client_options (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_dhcpv6pd_auto_sla_id (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_dhcpv6pd_manual_sla_id (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_interface_description (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_interface_disable (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_interface_ip_options (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_interface_ipv6_options (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_interface_mtu (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_ipv6_link_local_address (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_mtu_1200_no_ipv6_interface (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_span_mirror (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_vif_8021q_interfaces (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_vif_8021q_lower_up_down (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_vif_8021q_mtu_limits (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_vif_8021q_qos_change (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_vif_s_8021ad_vlan_interfaces (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok
test_vif_s_protocol_change (__main__.BondingInterfaceTest) ... ok

Ran 23 tests in 244.694s


This will limit the bond interface test to only make use of eth1 and eth2 as member ports.

Config Load Tests

The other part of our tests are called “config load tests”. The config load tests will load - one after another - arbitrary configuration files to test if the configuration migration scripts work as designed and that a given set of functionality still can be loaded with a fresh VyOS ISO image.

The configurations are all derived from production systems and can not only act as a testcase but also as reference if one wants to enable a certain feature. The configurations can be found here: https://github.com/vyos/vyos-1x/tree/current/smoketest/configs

The entire test is controlled by the main wrapper script /usr/bin/vyos-configtest which behaves in the same way as the main smoketest script. It scans the folder for potential configuration files and issues a load command one after another.

Manual config load test

One is not bound to load all configurations one after another but can also load individual test configurations on his own.

vyos@vyos:~$ configure

vyos@vyos# load /usr/libexec/vyos/tests/config/ospf-small
Loading configuration from '/usr/libexec/vyos/tests/config/ospf-small'
Load complete. Use 'commit' to make changes effective.
vyos@vyos# compare
[edit interfaces ethernet eth0]
-hw-id 00:50:56:bf:c5:6d
[edit interfaces ethernet eth1]
+duplex auto
-hw-id 00:50:56:b3:38:c5
+speed auto
[edit interfaces]
-ethernet eth2 {
-    hw-id 00:50:56:b3:9c:1d
-vti vti1 {
-    address

vyos@vyos# commit


Some of the configurations have preconditions which need to be met. Those most likely include generation of crypographic keys before the config can be applied - you will get a commit error otherwise. If you are interested how those preconditions are fulfilled check the vyos-build repository and the scripts/check-qemu-install file.