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VyOS 1.4 changed the way in how encryption keys or certificates are stored on the system. In the pre VyOS 1.4 era, certificates got stored under /config and every service referenced a file. That made copying a running configuration from system A to system B a bit harder, as you had to copy the files and their permissions by hand.

T3642 describes a new CLI subsystem that serves as a "certstore" to all services requiring any kind of encryption key(s). In short, public and private certificates are now stored in PKCS#8 format in the regular VyOS CLI. Keys can now be added, edited, and deleted using the regular set/edit/delete CLI commands.

VyOS not only can now manage certificates issued by 3rd party Certificate Authorities, it can also act as a CA on its own. You can create your own root CA and sign keys with it by making use of some simple op-mode commands.

Don't be afraid that you need to re-do your configuration. Key transformation is handled, as always, by our migration scripts, so this will be a smooth transition for you!

Key Generation

Certificate Authority (CA)

VyOS now also has the ability to create CAs, keys, Diffie-Hellman and other keypairs from an easy to access operational level command.

generate pki ca

Create a new CA and output the CAs public and private key on the console.

generate pki ca install <name>

Create a new CA and output the CAs public and private key on the console.


In addition to the command above, the output is in a format which can be used to directly import the key into the VyOS CLI by simply copy-pasting the output from op-mode into configuration mode.

name is used for the VyOS CLI command to identify this key. This key name is then used in the CLI configuration to reference the key instance.

generate pki ca sign <ca-name>

Create a new subordinate CA and sign it using the private key referenced by ca-name.

generate pki ca sign <ca-name> install <name>

Create a new subordinate CA and sign it using the private key referenced by name.


In addition to the command above, the output is in a format which can be used to directly import the key into the VyOS CLI by simply copy-pasting the output from op-mode into configuration mode.

name is used for the VyOS CLI command to identify this key. This key name is then used in the CLI configuration to reference the key instance.


generate pki certificate

Create a new public/private keypair and output the certificate on the console.

generate pki certificate install <name>

Create a new public/private keypair and output the certificate on the console.


In addition to the command above, the output is in a format which can be used to directly import the key into the VyOS CLI by simply copy-pasting the output from op-mode into configuration mode.

name is used for the VyOS CLI command to identify this key. This key name is then used in the CLI configuration to reference the key instance.

generate pki certificate self-signed

Create a new self-signed certificate. The public/private is then shown on the console.

generate pki certificate self-signed install <name>

Create a new self-signed certificate. The public/private is then shown on the console.


In addition to the command above, the output is in a format which can be used to directly import the key into the VyOS CLI by simply copy-pasting the output from op-mode into configuration mode.

name is used for the VyOS CLI command to identify this key. This key name is then used in the CLI configuration to reference the key instance.

generate pki certificate sign <ca-name>

Create a new public/private keypair which is signed by the CA referenced by ca-name. The signed certificate is then output to the console.

generate pki certificate sign <ca-name> install <name>

Create a new public/private keypair which is signed by the CA referenced by ca-name. The signed certificate is then output to the console.


In addition to the command above, the output is in a format which can be used to directly import the key into the VyOS CLI by simply copy-pasting the output from op-mode into configuration mode.

name is used for the VyOS CLI command to identify this key. This key name is then used in the CLI configuration to reference the key instance.

Diffie-Hellman parameters

generate pki dh

Generate a new set of DH parameters. The key size is requested by the CLI and defaults to 2048 bit.

The generated parameters are then output to the console.

generate pki dh install <name>

Generate a new set of DH parameters. The key size is requested by the CLI and defaults to 2048 bit.


In addition to the command above, the output is in a format which can be used to directly import the key into the VyOS CLI by simply copy-pasting the output from op-mode into configuration mode.

name is used for the VyOS CLI command to identify this key. This key name is then used in the CLI configuration to reference the key instance.


generate pki openvpn shared-secret

Generate a new OpenVPN shared secret. The generated secret is the output to the console.

generate pki openvpn shared-secret install <name>

Generate a new OpenVPN shared secret. The generated secret is the output to the console.


In addition to the command above, the output is in a format which can be used to directly import the key into the VyOS CLI by simply copy-pasting the output from op-mode into configuration mode.

name is used for the VyOS CLI command to identify this key. This key name is then used in the CLI configuration to reference the key instance.


generate pki wireguard key-pair

Generate a new WireGuard public/private key portion and output the result to the console.

generate pki wireguard key-pair install <interface>

Generate a new WireGuard public/private key portion and output the result to the console.


In addition to the command above, the output is in a format which can be used to directly import the key into the VyOS CLI by simply copy-pasting the output from op-mode into configuration mode.

interface is used for the VyOS CLI command to identify the WireGuard interface where this private key is to be used.

generate pki wireguard preshared-key

Generate a WireGuard pre-shared secret used for peers to communicate.

generate pki wireguard preshared-key install <peer>

Generate a WireGuard pre-shared secret used for peers to communicate.


In addition to the command above, the output is in a format which can be used to directly import the key into the VyOS CLI by simply copy-pasting the output from op-mode into configuration mode.

peer is used for the VyOS CLI command to identify the WireGuard peer where this secret is to be used.

Key usage (CLI)

CA (Certificate Authority)

set pki ca <name> certificate

Add the public CA certificate for the CA named name to the VyOS CLI.


When loading the certificate you need to manually strip the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- tags. Also, the certificate/key needs to be presented in a single line without line breaks (\n), this can be done using the following shell command:

$ tail -n +2 ca.pem | head -n -1 | tr -d '\n'

set pki ca <name> crl

Certificate revocation list in PEM format.

set pki ca <name> description

A human readable description what this CA is about.

set pki ca <name> private key

Add the CAs private key to the VyOS CLI. This should never leave the system, and is only required if you use VyOS as your certificate generator as mentioned above.


When loading the certificate you need to manually strip the -----BEGIN KEY----- and -----END KEY----- tags. Also, the certificate/key needs to be presented in a single line without line breaks (\n), this can be done using the following shell command:

$ tail -n +2 ca.key | head -n -1 | tr -d '\n'

set pki ca <name> private password-protected

Mark the CAs private key as password protected. User is asked for the password when the key is referenced.

Server Certificate

After we have imported the CA certificate(s) we can now import and add certificates used by services on this router.

set pki certificate <name> certificate

Add public key portion for the certificate named name to the VyOS CLI.


When loading the certificate you need to manually strip the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- tags. Also, the certificate/key needs to be presented in a single line without line breaks (\n), this can be done using the following shell command:

$ tail -n +2 cert.pem | head -n -1 | tr -d '\n'

set pki certificate <name> description

A human readable description what this certificate is about.

set pki certificate <name> private key

Add the private key portion of this certificate to the CLI. This should never leave the system as it is used to decrypt the data.


When loading the certificate you need to manually strip the -----BEGIN KEY----- and -----END KEY----- tags. Also, the certificate/key needs to be presented in a single line without line breaks (\n), this can be done using the following shell command:

$ tail -n +2 cert.key | head -n -1 | tr -d '\n'

set pki certificate <name> private password-protected

Mark the private key as password protected. User is asked for the password when the key is referenced.

set pki certificate <name> revoke

If CA is present, this certificate will be included in generated CRLs

Import files to PKI format

VyOS provides this utility to import existing certificates/key files directly into PKI from op-mode. Previous to VyOS 1.4, certificates were stored under the /config folder permanently and will be retained post upgrade.

import pki ca <name> file <Path to CA certificate file>

Import the public CA certificate from the defined file to VyOS CLI.

import pki ca <name> key-file <Path to private key file>

Import the CAs private key portion to the CLI. This should never leave the system as it is used to decrypt the data. The key is required if you use VyOS as your certificate generator.

import pki certificate <name> file <path to certificate>

Import the certificate from the file to VyOS CLI.

import pki certificate <name> key-file <path to private key>

Import the private key of the certificate to the VyOS CLI. This should never leave the system as it is used to decrypt the data.

import pki openvpn shared-secret <name> file <path to OpenVPN secret key>

Import the OpenVPN shared secret stored in file to the VyOS CLI.


The VyOS PKI subsystem can also be used to automatically retrieve Certificates using the ACME protocol.

set pki certificate <name> acme domain-name <name>

Domain names to apply, multiple domain-names can be specified.

This is a mandatory option

set pki certificate <name> acme email <address>

Email used for registration and recovery contact.

This is a mandatory option

set pki certificate <name> acme listen-address <address>

The address the server listens to during http-01 challenge

set pki certificate <name> acme rsa-key-size <2048 | 3072 | 4096>

Size of the RSA key.

This options defaults to 2048

set pki certificate <name> acme url <url>

ACME Directory Resource URI.

This defaults to


During initial deployment we recommend using the staging API of LetsEncrypt to prevent and blacklisting of your system. The API endpoint is


VyOS operational mode commands are not only available for generating keys but also to display them.

show pki ca

Show a list of installed CA certificates.

vyos@vyos:~$ show pki ca
Certificate Authorities:
Name            Subject                                                  Issuer CN          Issued               Expiry               Private Key    Parent
--------------  -------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------------  -------------------  -------------  --------------
DST_Root_CA_X3  CN=ISRG Root X1,O=Internet Security Research Group,C=US  CN=DST Root CA X3  2021-01-20 19:14:03  2024-09-30 18:14:03  No             N/A
R3              CN=R3,O=Let's Encrypt,C=US                               CN=ISRG Root X1    2020-09-04 00:00:00  2025-09-15 16:00:00  No             DST_Root_CA_X3
vyos_rw         CN=VyOS RW CA,O=VyOS,L=Some-City,ST=Some-State,C=GB      CN=VyOS RW CA      2021-07-05 13:46:03  2026-07-04 13:46:03  Yes            N/A
show pki ca <name>

Show only information for specified Certificate Authority.

show pki certificate

Show a list of installed certificates

vyos@vyos:~$ show pki certificate
Name       Type    Subject CN             Issuer CN      Issued               Expiry               Revoked    Private Key    CA Present
---------  ------  ---------------------  -------------  -------------------  -------------------  ---------  -------------  -------------
ac2        Server        CN=R3          2021-07-05 07:29:59  2021-10-03 07:29:58  No         Yes            Yes (R3)
rw_server  Server  CN=VyOS RW             CN=VyOS RW CA  2021-07-05 13:48:02  2022-07-05 13:48:02  No         Yes            Yes (vyos_rw)
show pki certificate <name>

Show only information for specified certificate.

show pki crl

Show a list of installed CRLs.

renew certbot

Manually trigger certificate renewal. This will be done twice a day.


Create a CA chain and leaf certificates

This configuration generates & installs into the VyOS PKI system a root certificate authority, alongside two intermediary certificate authorities for client & server certificates. These CAs are then used to generate a server certificate for the router, and a client certificate for a user.

  • vyos_root_ca is the root certificate authority.

  • vyos_client_ca and vyos_server_ca are intermediary certificate authorities, which are signed by the root CA.

  • vyos_cert is a leaf server certificate used to identify the VyOS router, signed by the server intermediary CA.

  • vyos_example_user is a leaf client certificate used to identify a user, signed by client intermediary CA.

First, we create the root certificate authority.

vyos@vyos# run generate pki ca install vyos_root_ca
Enter private key type: [rsa, dsa, ec] (Default: rsa) rsa
Enter private key bits: (Default: 2048) 2048
Enter country code: (Default: GB) GB
Enter state: (Default: Some-State) Some-State
Enter locality: (Default: Some-City) Some-City
Enter organization name: (Default: VyOS) VyOS
Enter common name: (Default: VyOS Root CA
Enter how many days certificate will be valid: (Default: 1825) 1825
Note: If you plan to use the generated key on this router, do not encrypt the private key.
Do you want to encrypt the private key with a passphrase? [y/N] n
2 value(s) installed. Use "compare" to see the pending changes, and "commit" to apply.

Secondly, we create the intermediary certificate authorities, which are used to sign the leaf certificates.

vyos@vyos# run generate pki ca sign vyos_root_ca install vyos_server_ca
Do you already have a certificate request? [y/N] n
Enter private key type: [rsa, dsa, ec] (Default: rsa) rsa
Enter private key bits: (Default: 2048) 2048
Enter country code: (Default: GB) GB
Enter state: (Default: Some-State) Some-State
Enter locality: (Default: Some-City) Some-City
Enter organization name: (Default: VyOS) VyOS
Enter common name: (Default: VyOS Intermediary Server CA
Enter how many days certificate will be valid: (Default: 1825) 1095
Note: If you plan to use the generated key on this router, do not encrypt the private key.
Do you want to encrypt the private key with a passphrase? [y/N] n
2 value(s) installed. Use "compare" to see the pending changes, and "commit" to apply.

vyos@vyos# run generate pki ca sign vyos_root_ca install vyos_client_ca
Do you already have a certificate request? [y/N] n
Enter private key type: [rsa, dsa, ec] (Default: rsa) rsa
Enter private key bits: (Default: 2048) 2048
Enter country code: (Default: GB) GB
Enter state: (Default: Some-State) Some-State
Enter locality: (Default: Some-City) Some-City
Enter organization name: (Default: VyOS) VyOS
Enter common name: (Default: VyOS Intermediary Client CA
Enter how many days certificate will be valid: (Default: 1825) 1095
Note: If you plan to use the generated key on this router, do not encrypt the private key.
Do you want to encrypt the private key with a passphrase? [y/N] n
2 value(s) installed. Use "compare" to see the pending changes, and "commit" to apply.

Lastly, we can create the leaf certificates that devices and users will utilise.

vyos@vyos# run generate pki certificate sign vyos_server_ca install vyos_cert
Do you already have a certificate request? [y/N] n
Enter private key type: [rsa, dsa, ec] (Default: rsa) rsa
Enter private key bits: (Default: 2048) 2048
Enter country code: (Default: GB) GB
Enter state: (Default: Some-State) Some-State
Enter locality: (Default: Some-City) Some-City
Enter organization name: (Default: VyOS) VyOS
Enter common name: (Default:
Do you want to configure Subject Alternative Names? [y/N] y
Enter alternative names in a comma separate list, example: ipv4:,ipv6:fe80::1,
Enter Subject Alternative Names:,
Enter how many days certificate will be valid: (Default: 365) 365
Enter certificate type: (client, server) (Default: server) server
Note: If you plan to use the generated key on this router, do not encrypt the private key.
Do you want to encrypt the private key with a passphrase? [y/N] n
2 value(s) installed. Use "compare" to see the pending changes, and "commit" to apply.

vyos@vyos# run generate pki certificate sign vyos_client_ca install vyos_example_user
Do you already have a certificate request? [y/N] n
Enter private key type: [rsa, dsa, ec] (Default: rsa) rsa
Enter private key bits: (Default: 2048) 2048
Enter country code: (Default: GB) GB
Enter state: (Default: Some-State) Some-State
Enter locality: (Default: Some-City) Some-City
Enter organization name: (Default: VyOS) VyOS
Enter common name: (Default: Example User
Do you want to configure Subject Alternative Names? [y/N] y
Enter alternative names in a comma separate list, example: ipv4:,ipv6:fe80::1,,rfc822:[email protected]
Enter Subject Alternative Names: rfc822:[email protected]
Enter how many days certificate will be valid: (Default: 365) 365
Enter certificate type: (client, server) (Default: server) client
Note: If you plan to use the generated key on this router, do not encrypt the private key.
Do you want to encrypt the private key with a passphrase? [y/N] n
2 value(s) installed. Use "compare" to see the pending changes, and "commit" to apply.