Configuring Vyos with cloud-init

Vyos uses cloud-init to configure itself automatically in cloud environments. There is a Meta-Data module that takes care of the cloud-specific configuration.

Additional module introduces a new parameter vyos_config_commands into User-Data (#cloud-config). This parameter should be a list of VyOS configuration commands that will be applied during deployment. This module will run last.

Commands requirements:

  • one command per line

  • if command ending by value, it must be inside single quotes: set some option 'value', delete some option 'value'

  • a single-quote symbol is not allowed inside command or value

The commands’ list produced by the show configuration commands command on a VyOS router should comply with all the requirements, so it is easy to get a proper commands’ list by copying it from another router.

Usage example (User-Data content):

- set system host-name 'demo123'
- set system ntp server
- set system ntp server
- delete interfaces ethernet eth2 address
- set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''
