Ethernet Interfaces

Ethernet interfaces allow for the configuration of speed, duplex, and hw-id (MAC address). Below is an example configuration:

set interfaces ethernet eth1 address ''
set interfaces ethernet eth1 address '2001:db8:1::ffff/64'
set interfaces ethernet eth1 description 'INSIDE'
set interfaces ethernet eth1 duplex 'auto'
set interfaces ethernet eth1 speed 'auto'

Resulting in:

ethernet eth1 {
    address 2001:db8:1::ffff/64
    description INSIDE
    duplex auto
    hw-id 00:0c:29:44:3b:19
    smp_affinity auto
    speed auto

In addition, Ethernet interfaces provide the extended operational commands:

  • show interfaces ethernet <name> physical

  • show interfaces ethernet <name> statistics

Statistics available are driver dependent.

vyos@vyos:~$ show interfaces ethernet eth0 physical
Settings for eth0:
        Supported ports: [ TP ]
        Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
                                100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
        Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
        Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
                                100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
        Advertised pause frame use: No
        Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
        Speed: 1000Mb/s
        Duplex: Full
        Port: Twisted Pair
        PHYAD: 0
        Transceiver: internal
        Auto-negotiation: on
        MDI-X: Unknown
        Supports Wake-on: d
        Wake-on: d
        Current message level: 0x00000007 (7)
        Link detected: yes
driver: e1000
version: 7.3.21-k8-NAPI
bus-info: 0000:02:01.0

vyos@vyos:~$ show interfaces ethernet eth0 statistics
NIC statistics:
     rx_packets: 3530
     tx_packets: 2179

VLAN Sub-Interfaces (802.1Q)

802.1Q VLAN interfaces are represented as virtual sub-interfaces in VyOS. The term used for this is vif. Configuration of a tagged sub-interface is accomplished using the configuration command set interfaces ethernet <name> vif <vlan-id>.

set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 100 description 'VLAN 100'
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 100 address ''
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 100 address '2001:db8:100::1/64'

Resulting in:

ethernet eth1 {
    address 2001:db8:100::1/64
    description INSIDE
    duplex auto
    hw-id 00:0c:29:44:3b:19
    smp_affinity auto
    speed auto
    vif 100 {
        description "VLAN 100"

VLAN interfaces are shown as <name>.<vlan-id>, e.g. eth1.100:

vyos@vyos:~$ show interfaces
Codes: S - State, L - Link, u - Up, D - Down, A - Admin Down
Interface        IP Address                        S/L  Description
---------        ----------                        ---  -----------
eth0                     u/u  OUTSIDE
eth1                       u/u  INSIDE
eth1.100                  u/u  VLAN 100
lo                            u/u


QinQ (802.1ad) — allows multiple VLAN tags to be inserted into a single frame.

QinQ can be used to tunnel vlans in a vlan.

vif-s and vif-c stand for the ethertype tags that get set:

The inner tag is the tag which is closest to the payload portion of the frame; it is officially called C-TAG (Customer tag, with ethertype 0x8100). The outer tag is the one closer/closest to the Ethernet header; its name is S-TAG (Service tag, ethertype 0x88a8).

Configuration commands:

    ethernet <eth[0-999]>
        address <ipv4>
        address <ipv6>
        description <txt>
            <usual IP options>
            <usual IPv6 options>
        vif-s <[0-4096]>
            address <ipv4>
            address <ipv6>
            description <txt>
                <usual IP options>
                <usual IPv6 options>
            vif-c <[0-4096]>
                address <ipv4>
                address <ipv6>
                description <txt>
                    <usual IP options>
                    <usual IPv6 options>


set interfaces ethernet eth0 vif-s 333
set interfaces ethernet eth0 vif-s 333 address
set interfaces ethernet eth0 vif-s 333 vif-c 777
set interfaces ethernet eth0 vif-s 333 vif-c 777 address


There are two main ways to setup VyOS to connect over a PPPoE internet connection. This is due to most ISPs (Internet Service Providers) providing a DSL modem that is also a wireless router.

First Method: (Common for Homes)

In this method, the DSL Modem/Router connects to the ISP for you with your credentials preprogrammed into the device. This gives you an RFC1918 address, such as by default.

For a simple home network using just the ISP’s equipment, this is usually desirable. But if you want to run VyOS as your firewall and router, this will result in having a double NAT and firewall setup. This results in a few extra layers of complexity, particularly if you use some NAT or tunnel features.

Second Method: (Common for Businesses)

In order to have full control and make use of multiple static public IP addresses, your VyOS will have to initiate the PPPoE connection and control it. In order for this method to work, you will have to figure out how to make your DSL Modem/Router switch into a Bridged Mode so it only acts as a DSL Transceiver device to connect between the Ethernet link of your VyOS and the phone cable. Once your DSL Transceiver is in Bridge Mode, you should get no IP address from it. Please make sure you connect to the Ethernet Port 1 if your DSL Transeiver has a switch, as some of them only work this way. Once you have an Ethernet device connected, i.e. eth0, then you can configure it to open the PPPoE session for you and your DSL Transceiver (Modem/Router) just acts to translate your messages in a way that vDSL/aDSL understands.

Here is an example configuration:

set interface ethernet eth0 description "DSL Modem"
set interface ethernet eth0 duplex auto
set interface ethernet eth0 smp_affinity auto
set interface ethernet eth0 speed auto
set interface ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 default-route auto
set interface ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 mtu 1492
set interface ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 name-server auto
set interface ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 user-id <PPPoE Username>
set interface ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 password <PPPoE Password>
  • You should add a firewall to your configuration above as well by assigning it to the pppoe0 itself as shown here:

set interface ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 firewall in name NET-IN
set interface ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 firewall local name NET-LOCAL
set interface ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 firewall out name NET-OUT
  • You need your PPPoE credentials from your DSL ISP in order to configure this. The usual username is in the form of but may vary depending on ISP.

  • The largest MTU size you can use with DSL is 1492 due to PPPoE overhead. If you are switching from a DHCP based ISP like cable then be aware that things like VPN links may need to have their MTU sizes adjusted to work within this limit.

  • With the default-route option set to auto, VyOS will only add the Default Gateway you receive from your DSL ISP to the routing table if you have no other WAN connections. If you wish to use a Dual WAN connection, change the default-route option to force.

Handling and troubleshooting

You can test connecting and disconnecting with the below commands:

disconnect interface 0
connect interface 0

You can check the PPPoE connection logs with the following:

This command shows the current statistics, status and some of the settings (i.e. MTU) for the current connection on pppoe0.

show interfaces pppoe 0

This command shows the entire log for the PPPoE connection starting with the oldest data. Scroll down with the <space> key to reach the end where the current data is.

show interfaces pppoe 0 log

This command shows the same log as without the ‘tail’ option but only starts with the last few lines and continues to show added lines until you exit with Ctrl + x

show interfaces pppoe 0 log tail