
You can combine (aggregate) 2 or more physical interfaces into a single logical one. It’s called bonding, or LAG, or ether-channel, or port-channel.

Create interface bondX, where X is just a number:

set interfaces bonding bond0 description 'my-sw1 int 23 and 24'

You are able to choose a hash policy:

vyos@vyos# set interfaces bonding bond0 hash-policy
Possible completions:
  layer2       use MAC addresses to generate the hash (802.3ad)
  layer2+3     combine MAC address and IP address to make hash
  layer3+4     combine IP address and port to make hash

For example:

set interfaces bonding bond0 hash-policy 'layer2'

You may want to set IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic link aggregation (802.3ad) AKA LACP (don’t forget to setup it on the other end of these links):

set interfaces bonding bond0 mode '802.3ad'

or some other modes:

vyos@vyos# set interfaces bonding bond0 mode
Possible completions:
  802.3ad      IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic link aggregation (Default)
               Fault tolerant: only one slave in the bond is active
  broadcast    Fault tolerant: transmits everything on all slave interfaces
  round-robin  Load balance: transmit packets in sequential order
               Load balance: adapts based on transmit load and speed
               Load balance: adapts based on transmit and receive plus ARP
  xor-hash     Load balance: distribute based on MAC address

Now bond some physical interfaces into bond0:

set interfaces ethernet eth0 bond-group 'bond0'
set interfaces ethernet eth0 description 'member of bond0'
set interfaces ethernet eth1 bond-group 'bond0'
set interfaces ethernet eth1 description 'member of bond0'

After a commit you may treat bond0 as almost a physical interface (you can’t change its` duplex, for example) and assign IPs or VIFs on it.

You may check the result:

vyos@vyos# run sh interfaces bonding
Codes: S - State, L - Link, u - Up, D - Down, A - Admin Down
Interface        IP Address                        S/L  Description
---------        ----------                        ---  -----------
bond0            -                                 u/u  my-sw1 int 23 and 24
bond0.10                    u/u  office-net
bond0.100                     u/u  management-net