Operational mode

Operational mode allows for commands to perform operational system tasks and view system and service status. This is the first view after the login. Please see Command Line Interface for navigation in the CLI

vyos@vyos:~$ [tab]
Possible completions:
  add               Add an object to a service
  clear             Clear system information
  clone             Clone an object
  configure         Enter configure mode
  connect           Establish a connection
  copy              Copy an object
  delete            Delete an object
  disconnect        Take down a connection
  force             Force an operation
  format            Format a device
  generate          Generate an object
  install           Install a new system
  monitor           Monitor system information
  ping              Send IPv4 or IPv6 ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) echo requests
  poweroff          Poweroff the system
  reboot            Reboot the system
  release           Release specified variable
  rename            Rename an object
  renew             Renew specified variable
  reset             Reset a service
  restart           Restart a service
  set               Set operational options
  show              Show system information
  telnet            Telnet to a node
  traceroute        Track network path to node
  update            Update data for a service


raid         Add a RAID set element
system       Add an item to a system facility


console            Clear screen
firewall           Clear firewall statistics
flow-accounting    Clear flow accounting
interfaces         Clear interface information
ip                 Clear Internet Protocol (IP) statistics or status
ipv6               Clear Internet Protocol (IPv6) statistics or status
nat                Clear network address translation (NAT) tables
policy             Clear policy statistics


The clone command allows you to clone a configuration from a system image to another one, or from the running config to another system image. To clone the running config to a system image:

clone system config <system-image> from running

To clone from system image A to system image B:

clone system config <system-image-B> from <system-image-A>


The configure command allows you to enter configuration mode.

vyos@vyos:~$ configure


The connect command allows you to bring up a connection oriented interface, like a pppoe interface.

connect interface <interface>


The copy command allows you to copy a file to your running config or over images.

It can look like this example:

vyos@vyos:~$  copy file [tab]
Possible completions:
                Copy files from specified source

To copy from file A to file B:

copy <file A> to <file B>


conntrack     Delete Conntrack entries
file          Delete files in a particular image
log           Delete a log file
raid          Remove a RAID set element
system        Delete system objects


The disconnect command allows you to take down a connection oriented interface, like a pppoe interface.

disconnect interface <interface>


arp           Send gratuitous ARP request or reply
cluster       Force a cluster state transition


The format command allows you to format a disk the same way as another one.

format disk <target> like <source>


openvpn       OpenVPN key generation tool
              Regenerate the host SSH keys and restart the SSH server
tech-support  Generate tech-support archive
vpn           VPN key generation utility
wireguard     wireguard key generation utility


The install command allows you to install the system image on the disk.

install image


monitor can be used to continuously view what is happening on the router.

bandwidth     Monitor interface bandwidth in real time
              Initiate or wait for bandwidth test
cluster       Monitor clustering service
command       Monitor an operational mode command (refreshes every 2 seconds)
              Monitor conntrack-sync
              Monitor Content-Inspection
dhcp          Monitor Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP)
dns           Monitor a Domain Name Service (DNS) daemon
firewall      Monitor Firewall
https         Monitor the Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS) service
lldp          Monitor Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) daemon
log           Monitor last lines of messages file
nat           Monitor network address translation (NAT)
openvpn       Monitor OpenVPN
protocol      Monitor routing protocols
snmp          Monitor Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) daemon
stop-all      Stop all current background monitoring processes
traceroute    Monitor the path to a destination in realtime
traffic       Monitor traffic dumps
vpn           Monitor VPN
vrrp          Monitor Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)
webproxy      Monitor Webproxy service


The ping command allows you to send an ICMP-EchoRequest packet and display the ICMP-EchoReply received.

<hostname>    Send Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request


The poweroff command allows you to properly shut down the VyOS instance. Without any modifier, the command is executed immediately.

<Enter>       Execute the current command
at            Poweroff at a specific time
cancel        Cancel a pending poweroff
in            Poweroff in X minutes
now           Poweroff the system without confirmation


The reboot command allows you to properly restart the VyOS instance. Without

any modifier, the command is executed immediately.

<Enter>       Execute the current command
at            Poweroff at a specific time
cancel        Cancel a pending poweroff
in            Poweroff in X minutes
now           Poweroff the system without confirmation


The release command allows you to release a DHCP or DHCPv6 lease.

vyos@vyos:~$ release dhcp interface <int>
vyos@vyos:~$ release dhcpv6 interface <int>


The rename command allows you to rename a system image.

rename system image <currentname> <newname>


The renew command allows you to renew a DHCP or DHCPv6 lease.

vyos@vyos:~$ renew dhcp interface <int>
vyos@vyos:~$ renew dhcpv6 interface <int>


conntrack     Reset all currently tracked connections
              Reset connection syncing parameters
dns           Reset a DNS service state
firewall      reset a firewall group
ip            Reset Internet Protocol (IP) parameters
ipv6          Reset Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) parameters
nhrp          Clear/Purge NHRP entries
openvpn       Reset OpenVPN
terminal      Reset terminal
vpn           Reset Virtual Private Network (VPN) information


cluster       Restart cluster node
              Restart connection tracking synchronization service
dhcp          Restart DHCP processes
dhcpv6        Restart DHCPv6 processes
dns           Restart a DNS service
              Restart flow-accounting service
https         Restart https server
vpn           Restart IPsec VPN
vrrp          Restart the VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) process
              Restart WAN load balancing
webproxy      Restart webproxy service


<OPTION>      Bash builtin set command
console       Control console behaviors
date          Set system date and time
system        Set system operational parameters
terminal      Control terminal behaviors


arp           Show Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) information
bridge        Show bridging information
cluster       Show clustering information
configuration Show available saved configurations
conntrack     Show conntrack entries in the conntrack table
              Show connection syncing information
date          Show system time and date
dhcp          Show DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) information
dhcpv6        Show DHCPv6 (IPv6 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) information
disk          Show status of disk device
dns           Show DNS information
file          Show files for a particular image
firewall      Show firewall information
              Show flow accounting statistics
hardware      Show system hardware details
history       show command history
host          Show host information
incoming      Show ethernet input-policy information
interfaces    Show network interface information
ip            Show IPv4 routing information
ipv6          Show IPv6 routing information
license       Show VyOS license information
lldp          Show lldp
log           Show contents of current master log file
login         Show current login credentials
monitoring    Show currently monitored services
nat           Show Network Address Translation (NAT) information
nhrp          Show NHRP info
ntp           Show peer status of NTP daemon
openvpn       Show OpenVPN information
policy        Show policy information
poweroff      Show scheduled poweroff
pppoe-server  show pppoe-server status
queueing      Show ethernet queueing information
raid          Show statis of RAID set
reboot        Show scheduled reboot
remote-config Show remote side config
route-map     Show route-map information
snmp          Show status of SNMP on localhost
system        Show system information
              checks the integrity of the system
table         Show routing table
tech-support  Show consolidated tech-support report (private information removed)
users         Show user information
version       Show system version information
vpn           Show Virtual Private Network (VPN) information
vrrp          Show VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) information
              Show Wide Area Network (WAN) load-balancing information
webproxy      Show webproxy information
wireguard     Show wireguard properties
zone-policy   Show summary of zone policy for a specific zone


In the past the telnet command allowed you to connect remotely to another device using the telnet protocol. Telnet is unencrypted and should not be used anymore. But its nice to test if a TCP Port to a host is open or not.

vyos@vyos:~$ telnet 443
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Network is unreachable

vyos@vyos:~$ telnet 443
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.


The traceroute command allows you to trace the path taken to a particular device.

<hostname>    Track network path to specified node
ipv4          Track network path to <hostname|IPv4 address>
ipv6          Track network path to <hostname|IPv6 address>


dns           Update DNS information
webproxy      Update webproxy